THE ISLAND CP and Safeguarding Management Team
The Island Team consists of multiple highly-qualified Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and Assistant Safeguarding Leads across the school (including English and Greek speakers), supported by an Online Safety Officer, a Head of learning Support, a highly qualified counselling team and senior staff and leaders responsible for Wellbeing.
We have formulated our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines (including Acceptable Use Policies) based on guidelines from CIS, UK and Cypriot legislation and on international good practice to provide a level of quality assurance, and lead development of safeguarding practices. All of these policies are reviewed annually, we have regular management meetings to review our practice, and look at case studies. We undertake an annual audit of safeguarding procedures overseen by a designated member of the Board of Management and we also conduct an annual review of our premises with a view to child protection and safety.
Safeguarding Training, Staff Recruitment and visitors on site at The Island School
Our safeguarding training and checks on staff and vendors are all aligned with our mission and vision and based on good practice in the international school sector. Current team members receive refresher safeguarding training at least twice per year and are required to re-read the relevant policies and demonstrate an understanding of them. Greek speakers receive this training in Greek. Our Safeguarding Leads and other members of our team are all trained to Level 3 and this training is renewed every two years.
All new staff undergo a series of rigorous background checks to ensure that they are qualified, suitable and safe to work with our students. They then undergo safeguarding training and other induction processes to ensure they understand expectations of behaviour. We have a comprehensive staff Code of Practice.
Students have regular safeguarding lessons as part of their wellbeing curriculum.
Our child protection and safeguarding team also ensures that training is offered to the rest of the school community such as parents.
All visitors to our site are required to sign in, wear a visitors badge and are required to read our key safeguarding expectations before entering the site.